Mühle Shaving Set with Safety Razor, Silvertip Brush and Stand, Purist, Karelian Burl Birk

298.00 €
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Mühle makes shaving equipment of the highest quality. With this set you get luxury beyond all borders.

This set is made in Karelian burl birch, a special wood species that grows around the Mediterranean, which was originally used to create decorative objects because of its great color play. The wood is both durable and water resistant.

The kit contains three parts:

1. A safety razor
that ensures a tight shave.
Fits all classic razor blades.

2. A shaving brush
The brush itself is a handmade Silvertip badger brush, ie a brush of the finest quality and softness.

The knot size of this shaving brush is 21 mm. and the brush is thus referred to as a size Medium.

3. A stand
So the shaving brush and razor can dry with your head down.
In addition, with this stand you can have the kit to stand up and decorate the bathroom.

All you need is a delicious shaving cream or shaving soap - and then you have the complete set!
Karelian burl birk
Brush type:
Silvertip Badger
Knot size:
21 mm.
Razor type:
Closed comb (DE)
Item number:S 091 H 55 SR