Stirling Soap Co. Aftershave Splash, Margaritas in the Arctic, 100 ml.

23.50 €
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I can barely taste the Margarita I have in my hand. Possibly because I'm sitting naked on top of an icy glacier at the North Pole. But really refreshing for both skin and mind.

It is precisely this feeling that Margaritas in the Arctic creates.

With just a few ingredients, this traditional Aftershave Splash gives you the perfect end to your daily shave.

Contains astringent alcohol, soothing magic, nourishing glycerin and aloe vera. The perfect combination that leaves your face smooth and moisturized.

Super efficient.

Made in the USA.
100 ml.
Denatured Alcohol, Witch Hazel, Essential Oil, Fragrance Oil, Aloe, Menthol, Glycerin, Hydrovance
Item number:12054-ST