Safety Razor Slant

Below we have collected our selection of Safety Razor in a so-called Slant version. The special thing about a Slant Razor is that the razor head is slightly slanted. This means that so it gets extra close to the skin.

A Slant Razor is the obvious choice for you with the combination of a thick beard and sensitive skin.

Since the razor head is slanted, the angle of the razor blade is also slightly different than with a normal Safety Razor. The razor maintains a larger gap between the blade and the skin, which minimizes the risk of irritation.

Merkur 37C Safety Razor, Slant
Tilt the Razor head so that it gets extra close.
Merkur 39C Safety Razor, Slant
Tilt the Razor head so that it gets extra close.
The Holy Black SR-71 Safety Razor, Slant
Solid razor in a masculine design. Oblique razor head.