Mühle Shaving Set with Safety Razor, Fine Badger Brush and Stand, Kosmo, Olive Wood

185.30 €
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Mühle is the leader in shaving equipment for the Feinschmecker. Quality and delicious design form the framework for all the products.

This shaving set is made in Olive wood, which is oiled to achieve a deep, honey colored shade.

The set contains the following 3 parts:

1. Safety Razor
Mühle's safety razors are in delicious and timeless designs with modern technology that provide the perfect balance and weight in the classic shave.

It takes a little practice to shave with a safety razor, but once you've tried it sometimes, you'll only regret that you haven't tried it before.

2. Shaving Brush
A soft and delicious brush in the Fine Badger classification. This brush has more firm hair than a Silvertip brush. It ensures that you can make a delicious creamy foam out of your shaving cream or shaving soap.

The knot size of this shaving brush is 21 mm. and the brush is thus referred to as a size Medium.

3. A stand
After use, it is optimal to let your shaving brush dry with your hair down. To that end, Mühle has made this stand, which also allows you to have your new set to decorate in the bathroom.
Olive wood
Brush type:
Finest Badger
Knot size:
21 mm.
Razor type:
Closed comb (DE)
Item number:S 281 H 870 SR