The story of RazoRock began on an Italian holiday in 2009. Joseph's father-in-law, a retired Italian barber, asked Joseph to find alum stones. Alum stones were difficult to find in North America at the time, but as the father-in-law couldn't shave without one, Joseph sent for his uncle, Michael, who found alum stones in a small shop in Lucca, Tuscany. Michael and Joseph wanted to examine the stones' qualities, so they wet them and rubbed them on their faces immediately after a shave. And they worked! The stones sealed minor scratches, toned the skin, and prevented irritation after shaving. An idea and a business had been created.
The business started out as a hobby, but when Michael and Josef became acquainted with the traditional wet shave, they quickly realized how luxurious and enriching the shaving with alum stones could be.
Italian RazoRock has a variety of wet shaving products, including special Italian shaving soaps, handmade pre-shaves and aftershaves, a large selection of natural deodorants, and much more. All RazoRock products are based on a passion for Italy and Italian quality products.